TryHackMe – VulnNet Roasted
Greetings, everyone! In today's post, we'll be checking out the room VulnNet Roasted in the TryHackMe platform. So without further ado, let's jump right in! We'll start off with our trusty Nmap scan. We'll use the following flags: -A for scripting-p- for scanning all ports-T4 to speed up the scan-Pn to disable ping Nmap scan of Looks like this system is a Domain Controller! Looking at the open ports, immediately we notice that port 445 is listed, which is SMB. We'll begin here with our enumeration. We'll use a tool called SMBClient to see what shares are listed: smbclient to list out shares Now that we know the shares, our next step is to see if we can connect to any of them without any credentials. The last two…